How it all started...
Updated: Aug 1, 2018
I've been involved in sex work in some form or another for a few years now. All of it started when I was a sugar baby. A sugar baby? Yes, a sugar baby. Sugaring is sex work, even though sugar websites and even some sugar babies says it's not. But it is, I can go into that on another day.

About over few years ago, I was about a year removed from leaving a horrible, abusive relationship and was, at the time, dating mediocre guys. One night, I was complaining to my best friend about all of the nonsense I was dealing with dating these guys and that I was drowning in debt. She told me that I deserved better and I needed to upgrade my dating choices to help my financial situation. She suggested I join a well-known sugar dating website. I was skeptical, because, I didn't fit the typical "sugar baby" ideal, whatever the hell that is, you know, thin, white, college co-ed, yadda, yadda. Anyway, I made my profile and poof, I entered the sugar bowl. I did okay with sugaring, let's be honest. I didn't get expensive shoes, Chanel purses, or jet setted around the world. However, sugaring supplemented my civvie income significantly and I paid down a lot of debt that I accrued from leaving my abusive ex (long story, another future blog). When I got in the sugar bowl, it was mainstream and all of the bottom feeder wannabe sugar daddies were trying to get in on the action on sugar sites. No established relationships from sugar sites. However, I found better success and established sugar relationships on regular dating sites, who would of think? I guess the sugar sites were my place to hone my finessing skills.
A couple of years in, my SD (sugar daddy), at that time, ran into some personal issues which affected my allowance significantly and I decided to go on a hiatus from him until his personal situation blows over. In the meantime, I tried to find another SD, but by that time the bowl was infested with even more clueless blokes, who did not understand a mutually beneficial relationship or what sugaring entails.
I had enough. I was over the low-ball offers and tomfoolery. I got rejected a great deal for stating exactly what I wanted in a sugar relationship from the financial to time spent to intimacy. Some even accused me of me a "pro". If knowing what I want and how I want to be treated makes me a "pro", so be it. Also, my full time civvie job came to an end and I needed to have additional income.
The Birth of Caris Quinn
