The new year is upon us! Honestly, I'm ready for 2018 to be gone. This year has said to me that everything that I have learned through my entire life, I needed to abandon most of it to survive the rest of my years on this earth. I'm in the process of remixing, refurbishing, and renovating myself and life as I know it. This is for both civvie and sex worker life.
I hit 40 this year. Major milestone in my life. My current life resembles nothing like a typical 40 year old would have, at least according to society and my parents. I'm not married, have not bought a house, I don't have a stable career, I don't even have full time civvie job, I love Marvel comics, wear Hello Kitty pjs, listen to Cardi B, and even binge watched She-Ra on Netflix two times, which I love. Even though, I don't fit into that narrow box, I perfectly fine with that. I am thankful for few hits and the Ls that I took and turn them into lessons, which has motivated me to keep going!
With what has happen in 2018, I have nowhere to go but up in 2019! That's the exciting part! In 2019, I'm ready to take me being a companion to the next level. Of course, I want to continue building my brand, meeting wonderful clients, increase my earnings, and making connections with other sex workers.
I ready to upgrade my experience for my clients to be the best, yet. I'm not necessarily meaning what I do behind closed doors. I want to build on giving my clients the best experience possible. I want to improve on giving them an exhilarating experience that will build repeat business and refer me new clients. So to my wonderful clients, I don't mind being referred to someone who you may know that is seeking a companion. In fact, with the changes to the laws, referrals and networking on both ends may be the way to go.
I'm looking to seek new clients via the old fashioned way of freestyling. That is going to be a big one for me. I have a social anxiety and I'm an introvert. I have to learn to relax and be willing to strike up a conversation, which currently is unnerving for me. I'm used to guys approaching me, but I see in a quite of few situations lately, gentlemen seem a bit scared to approach me. For a long time, I thought they didn't have any interest in me, but I see them looking and looking very hard, even with their wives in tow. Also I need to have a more open, approachable body language. I have a few books about socializing as an introvert that I have been reading.
Other goals for 2019, more travel via Fly Me to You (FMTY) dates. I see that I have quite a few out of the area gentlemen that follow me, FMTY dates are a perfect way to meet! Guys think that it will cost them a ridiculous amount, but it doesn't have to be if we plan well ahead in advance. Those in the Mid-Atlantic region, the cost may even be less, due to lower transportation costs (train/car vs plane). So gentlemen, if you can't get to the DC area to see me, start planning now to have me come to you.
Speaking of traveling more, I want to dabble in touring. But before you get excited and blow up my inbox with "when are you coming to _____?", please be advised that I will only tour via secured, pre-bookings only. This shows that you are serious and I don't have to take a huge hit for cancellations. I probably will start in the Mid-Atlantic area, maybe New York City, too, and then go from there.
Another thing I want to do is to have a nice professional photo and video shoot. I have a book of ideas of what I want to do, down to the photographer, location, and styling. I'm hoping for a increase in business to pay for it or have a wonderful gentleman sponsor it.
For 2019, I want to become more spiritually in tune with myself. Towards the end of 2018, I have been intrigued by the healing power of crystals and meditation. I have researched what crystals and rituals that would work for me and my situations. Right now, I have over 20 crystals and stones. Plus I have 2 bottles of smudge water. I keep a journal and try to mediate when I can. I have also done my birth chart. I am a Gemini with a Virgo rising and a Cancer moon. Now I'm even more in tune with astrology to help me manifest my desires and goals.
This upcoming year, I want to become more active in my local sex worker advocacy groups. After what has been happening to our community post FOFSA/SESTA, I feel the need to meet more colleagues in our community and see what can be done locally to push for decriminalization of sex work. There is talk that in DC a few city council members are beginning to have conversations about decriminalization. I feel there could be a major breakthrough soon in Washington, DC!
Hopefully, 2019 will be the best year, yet! I want to meet new clients and reconnect with previous clients. I also want to meet more my SW colleagues that I have connected with online. If we haven't met yet, I would like to meet you soon this year. Gentlemen, you know what to do. Providers, let's meet up!
Wishing everyone prosperity, health, and abundance in the new year!